Mites. The mites generally for dogs and cats are permanent parasites find and spend their entire lives on the host. Their presence is positive, diagnosed them in skin scrapings, and the transfer to a new host requires skin contact between them, as their puppies and nursing bitches.
The most common interface is the ear mite mites in the ear canals of both dogs and cats, and sometimes around the tail. These mites are verycontagious to humans. They can easily be found in brushings from the skin of the infected animals.
A medically bath is usually prescribed by vetinary surgeon.
Fleas. Some dogs and cats go through life without at least a temporary infestation of these small, brown, wingless insects. The bodies of fleas are flattened from side to side, and strong legs, so they jump to a considerable height.
Some animals are tolerant of a heavy infestation of otherreceived a severe reaction.
Flea saliva into the skin when the flea bites, often causing a skin reaction injected. They can be seen as a rule with the naked eye, moving swiftly across the surface, especially around the eyes and tail. Adult fleas spend to feed only a short time on the skin, just enough to get on a meal of blood.
The infection is usually acquired by direct contact, when can fleas from infected area. If treatment withInsecticide, the environment must also be injected, and all the pets in the household.
If you fly spray is used, it is best to keep the animal from the area for several days. Old beds and baskets should be burned. If you flea collars, watch the animals in case of an allergic reaction in dog shows, is preferable in this case, a fly strips above the bed.
Ticks. These are almost always purchased from farm animals. Their life cycle is usually several months, andif they are filled with blood, dark black, looked like a pigmented tumor. Their mouthparts are deeply embedded in the skin and can be left behind when removed.
Large numbers are best removed by bathing in order to force it to loosen its grip, with an anesthetic swab or spraying with an appropriate insecticide before the tick is removed with tweezers.
Maggots. These are of blow fly larvae, and lay their eggs in open wounds or dirty layers of neglected animals. When shefeed on live animals, they secrete enzymes that digest proteins in the tissue to produce craters in the skin and can cause considerable damage.
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