Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dog Ear Infections - Prevention, Symptoms, Causes

Brian Kilcommons relates a chilling tale of a beautiful golden retriever dog, which is usually very gentle and kind with children. It 's owner had a girl aged 3 1 / 2, and they normally got along very well. Then one day the little girl took the dog 's ear. He growled and bit her face. She needed 47 stitches in his face, and she put the dog down. The parents had to make the dog without bothering to find out what causes this sleepsudden change in their dog's behavior. The vet, however, has an autopsy and found that this dog was suffering not our only one, but two severe ear infections that were incredibly painful.

Ear infections usually start out mild, and in the outer ear. This dog's health was actually 's neglect of owners. And if your child grabbed the infected ear, the dog, which in any case already in constant pain,reacts by instinct. By not time to care for their pets, the owners were in fact responsible for what has happened to her child. And then the guilt of the dog. And probably out of ignorance or anger, or both, they had killed it. Your emotional reaction to what happened, her child as a result of their own neglect aside, I think that is absolutely reprehensible. And the tragedy that happened to their dog when they decided to kill him rather than examinefurther, as well as the tragedy of her child, was totally unnecessary.

Unlike these owners, show your dog the same degree of care and love you would show your children. Become aware of the signs of ear infections, what causes it and how to avoid them, taking dogs to get treatment when it seems as if they have one.

Ear infections can be caused by a number of things. Wet ears not dried after swimming or bathing, an accumulation of earwax,Grass seeds and fox tails, untreated ear mites with cotton swabs clean ears (which pushes things further) into the ear, and growth in the ear canal, can all lead to ear infections. If you scratch your dog's ears, she rubbed her head to one side or down, shakes his head or if they look bloody or waxy or swollen, they should be reviewed. And if he cries when his ears are touched, this is another sign of a Potential ear infection.

When untreated ear infections progress deeper into the ear, the pain, the dog is in high rises. The dog is his head as still as possible and keep to one side. And opening his mouth, or touching his head, wants him pain. Dogs can also be dizzy, with poor balance and coordination, when the infection progresses to the inner ear. Dogs can run around in circles, and vomit.

> Ear infections are also related to skin allergies, atopy, especially food hypersensitivity dermatitis and canine. Dogs with these conditions often develop inflamed ears themselves. The dog's ears, very itchy, which creates an "itch-scratch-itch" cycle, which in turn scabs around the ear, hair loss, crustiness, and rough skin. The ear canals are filled with a brown wax.

Some dogs are also allergic to some ear medications. A joint If aAntibiotic neomycin, but can any ear treatment products including cortisone, nystatin, chloramphenicol, thiabendazole, gentamicin, miconazole and clortrimazole.

One of the concerns in dogs that are professionally maintained, is the practice of plucking the hair of the dog 's ear. The serum which then comes out of the pores is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, a common cause of ear infections is . Veterinariansgenerally not recommended, you can your dog's ears to be plucked, if it is a good medical reason to do so. An example of a good medical reason is if there is a large mat of hair that air flow is blocked.

If the mats are the hairs in the ear canal, they should be removed only by a veterinarian. If they do not enjoy First the hair in a coat conditioning for a few minutes to soften it. Then, with your fingers, separate as much of the mat as possible. You can toounravel the rest of the mat with a comb, but you probably will need scissors or a mat splitter. Be very careful when using scissors. With a comb, position it under the mat to protect the skin. Hold the scissors, cut at right angles to the comb, and cut them in the matted fur in narrow strips. Very gently, tease the mat, and then comb out the snarls that are left. Regular care, with the right tools, will avoid mats forming in the first place.

Always check your dog 'sears after he's been playing in long grass. If you think it is a foxtail in his ear, take him to the vet's and do not try and get it yourself Fox tails can really damage the ear. If, when you gently press on the canal he cries out pain, 's, there is a good chance' s inside a fox's tail.


1. Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson, Good Owners, Great Dogs

2. Richard Pitcairn, NaturalHealth for Dogs and Cats

3. James Griffin and Liisa Carlson, Dog Owners Home Veterinary Handbook

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tips On Curing Your Dog's Ear Infections

One to do the simple things so that you dog's ears healthy is to clean the dirt or earwax. Yes, our little dog, too, and that it is really a good time to be ear mites, especially when your dog scratches his ears checked .

When is the bath time or when your shipment to your dog to a snow groomer make sure that the ears when bathing, and are carefully protected by an experienced and licensed professional groomer cleaned.They should cut some of their cleaning regime and the hair around your pets ears clean and dry areas of the ear.

If your dog is a swimmer and water into the ear canal can cause infections or other problems. A dog's ear is different than how to protect an L-shape to the inner ear to the eardrum and characterized from harm. That being said, it also leads to an infection if not removed properly from time toTime.

If you use conventional medicine route one veterinarian anti-biotic or anti-fungal drugs that will reduce your dog "to require s go immune function.

There are home remedies that can harm the mites and infection without handle your dog's immune function, most people who want to keep intact and healthy.

What causes ear infections:

Dogs and cats have a greater voice than people, and we wantTo protect that asset, as best we can with preventive veterinary care. In most cases, and about 80 percent of ear infections are caused by parasites, debris, especially allergies and ear mites in cats.

Yeast infections in dogs:

It makes sense to me to treat ear infection in a natural and helpful way than antibiotics, which are other issues on their side effects and can cause damage to the immune system to give. If you have a brown orpink wax is usually a sign of a fungal disease. If you want to treat them yourself, you can use a small amount of cider vinegar and diluted in equal parts of water, and keep it in a small glass. Put a few drops in every day and massage the ear and jaw area gently, then remove with a cotton swab or cotton ball. Do not do this if your dog has an open sore or wound in his ear.


Your dog's adrenal glands Planan important part of keeping the ear infection to a minimum by giving your dog a daily dose of vitamin C, especially as I said, if your dog is a swimmer can get ear infections regularly, can be supported. Of course, a natural and healthy diet are your dog's ability to fight infections and prevent allergies caused by the reduced immune function.

The ability of your dogauto-immune system should be maintained at a higher level to compensate for the toxins and wax build up, leading to infected ears.

Some dog breeds have naturally hanging ears, like Cocker Spaniels and Basset Hounds are more susceptible to their ear mites as they are built.

If you tie your dog 's allow themselves ears with a scarf or a hat, so the air to dry the ear canal and to distribute allMoisture. It may look funny, but it works wonders to prevent moisture build-up in the ears.

You can trim the hair around the opening of the ear canal and the circulating air to keep and maybe even your dog can you hear when you call. After the bath, dry the ear as much as possible with a towel or carefully use a cotton swab to absorb excess moisture in the ear area.

When bringing the Vet:

If your dog smells in the vicinity of the ears and there are heavy scratches, the ear can be as big as a balloon in infected, which should lead to a hematoma, which are emptied by a veterinarian.

If your dog is also tilted, crooked, or call or walk in circles of her time in the reserve. These are serious cases that had been left untreated for a period of time required and possibly an immediate antibiotic medicine to get it knocked out in a hurry before further permanent damage to your> Dog 's ears.

If your dog is asking why you do not come to you when you call, check in the ears.

Posted by: Teri Salvador

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Common Pet Diseases and What You Can Do To Help

While the disease and illness is likely to forgive in other people, we often try to close our eyes to the possibility of our sick pets. And if they are always sick, we conveniently forget that a little timely treatment and care would have saved us the problem in the first place. Above all, let 's do away with the myth that we can catch all sorts of diseases from one animal. While some communicable diseases, most other infectious diseases only underPets.

Fundamentals of cat diseases:

You can pick up fleas and ticks from a pet that is not kept clean. But diseases such as cancer, diabetes and bladder infections are not transferable. Even diseases that come too close for comfort, such as feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus can only affect cats and cats! Also, your 's cat, runny nose, sneezing, getting cold, and not forwarded to you, or vice versa.

Cats have a reputation for clean than most otherPets. Well, it 's easy to understand why people tend to symptoms and signs, to overlook matters worse. Some of the most common diseases that cats are from ail:

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: We know this as the common cold and cats are subject to different types of "cold" viruses, as well as humans. Signs are difficult to inflamed eyes, high fever, sneezing, snotty nose, excessive tearing, depression and difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Secondary infections such asPneumonia set if the cat "s and lowered resistance to disease is not treated quickly.

Parasitic infections: Cats can be infected with internal and external parasites. External parasites are ticks, fleas, mites and lice. These parasites can cause itching, annoying problems that can lead to secondary infections and skin rashes. Coats, ears and eyes are kept clean and infected cats must Treatment with chemicals or medicine. Among the most common internal parasite, roundworms and tapeworms cause the most harm. The diagnosis can be made by the inspection of the feces. Cats de-wormed regularly to ward off those parasites.

Some other common problems seen in cats are feline urologic syndrome) (urinary tract infection, abscesses (caused by trauma to the skin) and ringworm. Ringworm is contagious and can spread to humans.

Fundamentals of> Dog Diseases:

Just because you feed him well, and the pursuit of it regularly, I do not think that your dog is immune diseases. Dogs are susceptible to a variety of common diseases. Some varieties of dogs lead the tribes of inherited diseases, the surface, as they are older. Although there is not much you can do about hereditary diseases, can help effect a speedy recovery in other cases. As always, early detection is the key to good health. Somethe most common diseases in dogs are:

Diarrhea: This is seen more frequently in boys than adult dogs and may be caused by stress, triggered a sudden change in a food or a viral or bacterial attack. Diarrhea is deadly because it can lead to death by dehydration. Older dogs can to inflate and occurrences increases with age.

Infections of the upper respiratory tract: a discharge from the eyes / nose, coughing or sneezing is gone from respiratory diseases. Airborne viruses and bacteriaTransmission of the disease, the highly contagious between dogs. "Kennel cough is a respiratory illness that can be prevented by vaccination.

Other common diseases such as rabies, distemper and parvovirus can be prevented by timely vaccination and booster vaccination. Just as cats, dogs also play host to a number of internal and external parasites. Good maintenance and proper treatment can help prevent damage. Dogs also suffer from periodontal disease, asolder. Proper dental care is the only way to prevent this.

Pet birds also in a number of diseases which is most common among these the Proventricular dilatation disease also known as macaw wasting disease. " This leads to convulsions, weight loss and vomiting. "Parrot Fever" or "Psittacosis is another common bird disease, which can also infect humans.

Most pet owners love their pets to despair, and when the disease strikes, they feel helpless and insecure.Take your sick animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Always be vigilant and try to catch the symptoms as quickly as they appear. Since your pet can not tell you about their headaches, diseases of the stomach or a toothache, you must be especially careful.

Our animals are family members. When they die, we grieve and we are looking for ways to remind them.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Ear Problems in Pets and the Solutions

Ear infections and the problems are one of the top-reported problems faced by many animal keepers. Shake Has your dog or cat head and scratching her ears or rub their ears against the floor or furniture? Have you ever seen a sign offensive, the discharge in the ears, black, yellow or brown in color? Are the ears red and tender? These are all signs of an ear infection or problem in your pets.

A dog or car's ear canal is L-shaped, theCauses dirt, humidity, parasites, mites and wax in the canal, which can be solved with ear infections. Dog, have the long, floppy ears tend to be susceptible to ear for possible problems due to the lack of air circulation, the channel. With long hair, floppy-eared dogs, you can trim the hair on the inside of the ear to keep air circulation to increase.

The conventional treatment for most infections with antibiotics and anti-fungal --Medications. The problem with these treatments is that they treat only the symptoms, not the underlying cause. In order to successfully conquer the problem, both must be addressed. Medication to mask the problem and may even make matters worse in the long term by creating a chemical imbalance in the ear leading to long-term problems.

About 80% of ear infections are actually caused by allergies, with ear infections and the problems actually one of theSymptoms. You must treat the allergy, the underlying cause as well as the ear infection for a long-term cure.


One of the first things you need to do is your pet 's ears clean. Use white vinegar (acetic acid) diluted by half with water and inject it into the affected ear with a small squirt bottle or syringe. Rub the base of the ear to move it into the canal and the outer ear with cotton woolor a soft cloth. The vinegar will remove debris from the ears and to kill the yeasts and bacteria responsible for ear infections. Do this for 5-7 days then continue in the week to avoid recurring problems.

You can also treat the infection herbally. Garlic, sage and thyme are all natural antibiotic and anti-fungal properties. Pau D'Arco has natural antibiotic properties. Soak the herb of choice in calendula oil overnight, and then remove them with a pipette, the oil on theinfected ear, 2-3 drops per day for several days. You should see an end to the infection. This should also eliminate ear mites.

For the itching and inflammation can aloe or calendula essential oils for topically to the ear twice a day. Vitamin C can also be your 'pet's diet and is working on two species are added, it suppresses the product is released by cells in the body, itching (histamine), and it will helpAdrenals, a natural steroid that can reduce inflammation, operate more efficiently produced. Watch can cause the dose, vitamin C, diarrhea. Starting mg with a low dose of 100 per 10lb body weight should be a safe dose. If there are problems, a reduction in dosage.

The next and very important step in the treatment works on the cause, probably allergies. Some of the major food allergens are corn, like corn and wheatin many commercial pet foods and some protein sources, and in some more sensitive dogs and cats, the additives and preservatives can lead to problems as well.

The best thing you do for your pet is not eating its conversion to a natural homemade diet of commercial pet foods free from toxins. You may need to try different foods to find out what your pet will respond best, but in the long run it is worth it for your pet's health andComfort. There are some natural and organic alternatives out there, but you have to take the time to know what's really in the foods you feed your pets.

There are also some supplements you can add the food to help with allergies. Quercetin has been effective for people with allergies and can be effective in dogs, it helps to prevent an allergic reaction in the gastrointestinal tract so that food allergies less of a problem. The dose is 25 mg per 10 kg body weight daily,Salmon and Omega-3 fatty acid, a must for any allergy that causes recurring ear infections. My preference for omega-3 is organic linseed oil or cold. Aside from the allergy benefits, omega-3 fatty acids offer many benefits for the animals to call including the improvement of the skin and the skin and joints and heart problems to name a few.

Vet Time

As much as I am a strong advocate for natural health and the treatment of your pet at home when the options are useful, there areare times when you must turn to a professional for treatment.

Most of the time, especially if they are caught and treated early, ear problems are confined to the outer ear and can be successfully treated at home. If the infection in the inner ear or can not be alleviated by this treatment, you need a vet. Symptoms include being vigilant for, head tilting, clumsiness, walking in circles or drooping eyes. The veterinarian may need to drain fluids andTreatment with antibiotics if the infection has progressed to this point. Sometimes even more aggressive measures must be taken. In any case in which surgery is recommended, I have always, always recommend a second opinion. Not every vet knows everything.

Something else to be watchful for is that aggressive head shaking and scratching can cause a hematoma in the ear. Hematomas can cause permanent damage, if severe enough and left untreated. A veterinarian must evaluate, andto advise appropriate treatment.

The best thing you do for your pet to spend the time to spend time with them and any problems before they turn to big problems. Many animal health issues are treated at home with the right skills and if caught early enough.

And for your pet's sake, of course, go!

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ear Mites in Dogs

Ear mites are very small insects, which normally are not visible to the naked eye. These mites are very contagious to dogs and cats, but have no effect on people.

See people most likely to affect mite kittens and puppies. Due to the fact that young animals have an immature immune system, they are not able to fight in front of the ear mites would be as easy as adults.

Could be ear mites, because they very debilitating> To a hypersensitivity reaction has led to intense scratching, and in some cases, violent shaking.

The skin around the ears can be very red and scaly skin. Most common symptoms of ear mites is debris in the ear that looks like coffee grounds. The brown to black deposits is what the mites discharge after digesting their blood meal.

To veterinarians usually diagnose this condition by examining the debris under the microscope. The mites are usually very small white spots on the size of a pinhead.

The treatment is usually thoroughly cleaned the ears and the formation of an acaricide. In severe cases, steroids may be given to control the itching and scratching.

It is always best to clean thoroughly, removing the ears of all the wreckage before the mediation any medication. In this way the drug is more effective.

So if you have a brown or black deposits are noted in your puppies'S> ears, you should remove your veterinarian right. Also, remember that this is contagious between cats and dogs, so it is important that it be treated equally.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Learning About Two Common Symptoms of Dog Skin Problems

If your dog has any skin problem that never ignore. Their ignorance can lead to a very sore skin made of your beloved pet by his biting and scratching. In addition, if not paid consideration for the long skin disease can intensify and spread to other members of your household, including yourself. The basic symptoms of dog skin problems include itching and redness of the skin.

If you find your pet constantly scratching a certain part of his body, make sure it isby terrible itching. Itching may occur to attack due to parasites such as ticks, mites or lice. If you look carefully, you may also be able to detect bacterial infections, ie, small reddish spots in already inflamed areas.

There are four main causes for this problem:

• parasitic infestation
• Contact dermatitis, which is indicated by redness on the stomach
• Affected anal sacs, which is indicated by licking dogInflammation at the base of his tail

The treatment is, of course, the specific cause. If it 's is caused by parasites, an antiparasitic bath caused the best antidote. For minor bacterial problems, use an antibacterial wash. If you your pet is suffering from a severe bacterial infections or ear problems or infected anal sacs, do not take a chance! Consult a veterinarian immediately!

Red for the skin, there are four possible causes:

• Allergic dermatitis
• ContactDermatitis
• Fleas
• Everything irritations such as lice, ringworm sores or bacterial causes

If the redness of a certain region of your pet's body is limited, try applying calamine lotion. But if it is extensive, wash the infected part baby shampoo with lanolin. This will cool the affected skin of the patient. After the dog is dry, you can even a good flea spray. In case nothing works and the problem remains even after 24 hours,do, ask your veterinarian.

Older dogs do tend to be too fat?

The answer is YES. Too much pampering tendency to overfeed your dog. Older dogs develop lose muscle due to lack of exercise and over feeding.

Like a dog 's work to change the hearing or sight, when he older?

Both ears and eyes are adversely affected with age. Even if the dog is medically fit, we can see that dogs between the ages of 9-15 years often lose their power to hear. Deafnessis so slow that it often 's not for the owner to identify it correctly until the dog is completely deaf.

Glare, however, is a much rarer problem in dogs, although some clouding of the lens with increasing age. Dog's eyes do not contain cones, but rod can occur. Color so that they are blind, meaning they can only see black, white and gray. You do not have the power of a color vision.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Hereditary Skin Diseases in Boston Terriers

The Boston Terrier, a high-spirited, intelligent dog is the result of crossing the English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Boxer, and White Terrier. Nicknames of the American Gentleman for his kind and gentle, the Boston Terrier is a smooth, short-haired, compactly built dog with beautiful colors, red brindle, black brindle or black with white markings.

The Boston Terrier is a relatively healthy breed requiring little grooming and maintenance, but it is susceptible to certain hereditary skin problems.

A minor problem affecting its coat is a gradual proliferation of hair loss, sometimes old female Boston terriers at about six months found. It starts at the ears and moves down to the bottom of the neck and trunk and then down to the inside of the rear legs. The skin of the underlying areas of hair loss is usually normal and have no signs of secondary infection.

Allergies could be a possible underlying> Cause of hair loss and secondary infections of the skin. Boston Terriers are listed on the breeds that are susceptible) for (inhalant allergies atopy.

The most common skin diseases is demodectic mange or red mange, by microscopic Demodex canis mites living in hair follicles and causes the skin layers, which in adolescents puppies or immunodeficient adult Boston Terriers. It is a genetically inherited defect of the immune system causing patchy to widespread hair loss and secondaryBacterial skin.

There are three types of demodicosis: localized, generalized and pododermatitis.

Localized demodicosis usually results in small red scaly skin patches and hair loss especially in the face, but can occur anywhere on the body. These lesions are not itchy if they are infected, and in 3-6 month old puppies to be found passed the carrier mother. Mild cases in puppies normally heal spontaneously and require no treatment. Demodex is not generallycontagious between dogs.

Generalized demodicosis in the skin is very red, with severe hair loss, scabs and sores, dark pigment, and deep infections accompanied by fever and anorexia. There are two groups of this type: juvenile begin when the puppy is old, 3 to 12 months old, but again, with or without treatment and adult onset diabetes especially in dogs over 2 years, the cure is difficult, but can be controlled in general will.

It is an inherited tendency to haveGeneralized demodicosis as diseased animals should never be bred.

Demodectic pododermatitis it is the paws is restricted in adult animals chronically and extremely difficult to treat.

Since these mites live in the hair follicles and in the dermis, deep skin scrapings for the diagnosis essential. Generalized demodicosis treated with antibiotics. 90% of localized and 30-50% of generalized demodicosis better with no treatment. The veterinarian aided by modern medicinesteer, if not totally cure the infection.

Another disease inherited from the English Terrier and the Bulldog are Mast Cell Tumors in the skin tissue or Mastocytomas These are increased button like skin growths with raw pink surfaces which can be malignant and spread internally.

Cushing's Disease is another skin disease, found in the Boston Terrier caused by an excess of cortisone-type hormone in the dog's system. The use of too much cortisone-typeMedication, cortisone-containing eye drops or ointments, or an ear over-active tumor of the adrenal gland or a tumor of the pituitary gland may trigger the disease.

The signs of Cushing's also a thin, poor coat, potbelly, increased water intake and frequent urination. The disease is very sociable and the changes are reversible, but left untreated can cause diabetes mellitus or life-threatening blood clots.

Theirpreventing sensitive skin, that by dealing with both extreme heat and cold. They should be checked daily - special attention paid to their eyes and ears for the content of external parasites such as ticks and mites., Caution is required when it comes to drugs for the Boston Terrier as they can be very sensitive to anesthetics, vaccines and other drugs.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Alopecia in Cats

Alopecia in cats is a condition that almost all cat fanciers fear and terror. It can also be an extremely painful ordeal for your best friend, and some experts will tell you that there is no sure cure for this condition that causes hair fall out of your cats.

If your cat has chronic forms of skin problems where the hair fall out in practice, has bald patches, rashes, extremely dull coat, or even shed, in most cases this is causing everything from nutrition and somethey are missing.

And despite what most experts say it's a help for these conditions.

Alopecia can be varied in your cat can cause a partial or complete loss of hair, it can appear as a pattern, it can no pattern, it can be balanced, or it can be completely random, but it is almost always a guessing game on the actual cause of the disease.

In older cats with serious illnesses such as cancer, alopecia is verycommon, but in all other cases, that cats and dogs of all ages and races can influence and there are many causes and possibilities for this condition. It is also a form of the disease known as psychogenic alopecia that is self-caused by excessive grooming of your cat.

Alopecia, by definition simply means that your pets hair falls out, so let's examine some of the most common reasons why this happens, your cat.

Allergic reactions orEczema:

This is achieved by a little irritating your cat's skin. In this situation, your cat may have an allergic reaction to an antibiotic, some kind of exposure to metal, plastic, or exposure to chemicals such as carpet cleaners or even deodorizers. With this condition will develop your cat and reddened skin or blisters, and they will scratch their course. When chronic, this is hair loss.

Alopecia Areata:

This is a condition which assumes that they have aImmune deficiency in cats, and with this disorder, your cat losing patches of hair usually on the head, neck and body, but they are not itching all the symptoms, it is very disturbing diagnosis.

Atopy, a form of dermatitis:

This is an allergic reaction to something that you have inhaled pet and it could be pollen during peak pollination periods, or it could be dust mites and even mold. With this condition your animal is generally start licking at her feet, theEars may become inflamed, and hair loss are mild to moderate. You can also develop "hot spots" that could be severe and because it is a form of psoriasis may be infected.

Cheyletiella mange:

This is caused by infestation by ear mites, and will cause your cat itching almost immediately and this lead to the development of tariffs and heavy enough when severe hair loss.

Facial alopecia:

This is a condition in which hair loss occurs bothover and above the eyes, and is quite normal and will develop in cats between the ages of one and two years. It is a condition where the density of hair in the form of thin and occurs most commonly short-haired cat with darker hair. It is not fair, if redness or scaling sets in, as that could lead to spreading the dilution, resulting in hair loss.

Flea dermatitis:

This is a condition in which your cat is a response of the infected is undersalvia with fleas. It causes a severe itching on the part of your cat, which in turn lead to first red sores, papules, or as an instrument and as a moderate to severe hair loss. In "hot spots" that can become very inflamed, infection is set as hair loss.

Food Allergies:

This form of alopecia is exactly s ever had an allergic reaction to something in your pets' diet and is usually something new, but not. This form with your cat will lick off theirFeet and starts as the itching, and if moderate to severe hair loss occurs.

Alopecia during pregnancy:

This is simply a reaction to stress and can occur even with a serious illness or in some cats, just a stressful situation. With this form of alopecia, your cat's hair loss is very sudden and in most cases much more widespread.


Alopecia This condition affects more than 40% of all cats as follicles are weakened and as a result of simpleScratching will cause hair loss. About maintenance of your pet will be "hot spots" that can cause a complete loss of hair.

Psychogenic Alopecia:

A condition in which your cat just about yourself and the groom is causing the boredom, anxiety or stress and is particularly dangerous because they can lead to developing ulcers, where it has excessive hair loss, especially in the groin areas and along your pets back.

Ringworm alopecia:

This is causing a diseaseby some kind of fungus infection and will have only minor itching in your pet, but because of the infection, hair loss can be severe. Can also be associated with this condition, crisp and scaling several areas on your pet's skin, where hair loss has occurred.

There are several other conditions or diseases that cause alopecia in cats, as if to call as sweat glands cysts, Cushing's syndrome, and lice infections, but a few.

Hair loss treatmentRange from the tropical variety of drugs and medicines, but the possibilities are very limited and most are not working efficiently. However, not that work in most all cases is dietary changes and adjustments, and allowances.

Almost all forms of hair loss are caused by your pet's diet, or what is lacking. Try their diet to a diet free of preservatives and supplement your pet with vitamins A, C, E and the mineral zinc. Almost all skin diseases caused by Lack of these vitamins and zinc.

Almost all types of mange reaction conditions and are very quickly corrected by vitamin C supplements, and recovers most of all the rashes, eczema and hair loss rapidly with vitamin E supplements. Abscesses and inflammation respond rapidly, zinc and vitamin A helps all types of bacterial infections, rash, or cysts.

Hair loss in your cat at a particular time will come, but as with any condition, improving their immune system by supplementing> Can your cat friend a lot of unnecessary pain.

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