Ear infections and the problems are one of the top-reported problems faced by many animal keepers. Shake Has your dog or cat head and scratching her ears or rub their ears against the floor or furniture? Have you ever seen a sign offensive, the discharge in the ears, black, yellow or brown in color? Are the ears red and tender? These are all signs of an ear infection or problem in your pets.
A dog or car's ear canal is L-shaped, theCauses dirt, humidity, parasites, mites and wax in the canal, which can be solved with ear infections. Dog, have the long, floppy ears tend to be susceptible to ear for possible problems due to the lack of air circulation, the channel. With long hair, floppy-eared dogs, you can trim the hair on the inside of the ear to keep air circulation to increase.
The conventional treatment for most infections with antibiotics and anti-fungal --Medications. The problem with these treatments is that they treat only the symptoms, not the underlying cause. In order to successfully conquer the problem, both must be addressed. Medication to mask the problem and may even make matters worse in the long term by creating a chemical imbalance in the ear leading to long-term problems.
About 80% of ear infections are actually caused by allergies, with ear infections and the problems actually one of theSymptoms. You must treat the allergy, the underlying cause as well as the ear infection for a long-term cure.
One of the first things you need to do is your pet 's ears clean. Use white vinegar (acetic acid) diluted by half with water and inject it into the affected ear with a small squirt bottle or syringe. Rub the base of the ear to move it into the canal and the outer ear with cotton woolor a soft cloth. The vinegar will remove debris from the ears and to kill the yeasts and bacteria responsible for ear infections. Do this for 5-7 days then continue in the week to avoid recurring problems.
You can also treat the infection herbally. Garlic, sage and thyme are all natural antibiotic and anti-fungal properties. Pau D'Arco has natural antibiotic properties. Soak the herb of choice in calendula oil overnight, and then remove them with a pipette, the oil on theinfected ear, 2-3 drops per day for several days. You should see an end to the infection. This should also eliminate ear mites.
For the itching and inflammation can aloe or calendula essential oils for topically to the ear twice a day. Vitamin C can also be your 'pet's diet and is working on two species are added, it suppresses the product is released by cells in the body, itching (histamine), and it will helpAdrenals, a natural steroid that can reduce inflammation, operate more efficiently produced. Watch can cause the dose, vitamin C, diarrhea. Starting mg with a low dose of 100 per 10lb body weight should be a safe dose. If there are problems, a reduction in dosage.
The next and very important step in the treatment works on the cause, probably allergies. Some of the major food allergens are corn, like corn and wheatin many commercial pet foods and some protein sources, and in some more sensitive dogs and cats, the additives and preservatives can lead to problems as well.
The best thing you do for your pet is not eating its conversion to a natural homemade diet of commercial pet foods free from toxins. You may need to try different foods to find out what your pet will respond best, but in the long run it is worth it for your pet's health andComfort. There are some natural and organic alternatives out there, but you have to take the time to know what's really in the foods you feed your pets.
There are also some supplements you can add the food to help with allergies. Quercetin has been effective for people with allergies and can be effective in dogs, it helps to prevent an allergic reaction in the gastrointestinal tract so that food allergies less of a problem. The dose is 25 mg per 10 kg body weight daily,Salmon and Omega-3 fatty acid, a must for any allergy that causes recurring ear infections. My preference for omega-3 is organic linseed oil or cold. Aside from the allergy benefits, omega-3 fatty acids offer many benefits for the animals to call including the improvement of the skin and the skin and joints and heart problems to name a few.
Vet Time
As much as I am a strong advocate for natural health and the treatment of your pet at home when the options are useful, there areare times when you must turn to a professional for treatment.
Most of the time, especially if they are caught and treated early, ear problems are confined to the outer ear and can be successfully treated at home. If the infection in the inner ear or can not be alleviated by this treatment, you need a vet. Symptoms include being vigilant for, head tilting, clumsiness, walking in circles or drooping eyes. The veterinarian may need to drain fluids andTreatment with antibiotics if the infection has progressed to this point. Sometimes even more aggressive measures must be taken. In any case in which surgery is recommended, I have always, always recommend a second opinion. Not every vet knows everything.
Something else to be watchful for is that aggressive head shaking and scratching can cause a hematoma in the ear. Hematomas can cause permanent damage, if severe enough and left untreated. A veterinarian must evaluate, andto advise appropriate treatment.
The best thing you do for your pet to spend the time to spend time with them and any problems before they turn to big problems. Many animal health issues are treated at home with the right skills and if caught early enough.
And for your pet's sake, of course, go!
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Thanks for sharing that article. Its so interesting! Ear Infections in Dogs